martes, 23 de septiembre de 2014

Reseña de Cántame al oído by Nerea Nieto

Cántame al oídoCántame al oído by Nerea Nieto
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Recibí este ARC a cambio de una reseña honesta.

Le doy 3 estrellas donde 3 estrellas significa que me gusto.

Comencemos con los personajes:
Covi, ella es una chica mimada, caprichosa, egoísta, a la que toda la vida le han dado lo que quiere para así tenerla tranquila y feliz, pero a la que nunca le dieron lo esencial en la vida: el amor. A excepción de su abuela que es la única persona en el mundo que realmente la escucha y la comprende.

Su abuela, un personaje que desde el principio te hace sonreír, y que a lo largo del libro te enseña muchas cosas, Carmen es la abuela que todos quisiéramos tener.

Borja es un personaje que parece superficial pero, creo yo, que realmente se comporto de esa manera porque fue la manera en que Covi hizo que él se comportada, ¿me explico?

Eva, Martha y Lucia, son mujeres (y una niña que no deja de ser mujer y sorprender cada que lees acerca de ella) muy especiales, magnificas como personas, me han gustado mucho.

[image error]

Elías, ¡woha, no se si lo amo o me saca de mis casillas! Es encantador cuando quiere pero trae su propio equipaje a cuestas.

Los padres de Covi, vaya, al principio pensé que estaban preocupados por la abuela pero al pasar el libro me di cuenta de que estaban mas preocupados en como el "problema" de la abuela afectaría en sus vidas mas que por la abuela misma.

(view spoiler)

Me ha gustado la forma en que Covi va madurando durante la historia, en todos sus monólogos interiores va descubriendo cosas, al final sale de su burbuja y se da cuenta de que el mundo no gira a su alrededor. Lo que me gusto de este libro, es que las cosas no pasan de la noche a la mañana, hablando de la enfermedad, de los enamoramientos, de las amistades (ok, la amistad con Eva si fue medio instantánea, pero ellas tenían su pasado), de la madurez, las cosas tomaron su tiempo.

Por ultimo, solo quiero mostrarles como es el pueblo de Carmen en mi mente:

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viernes, 5 de septiembre de 2014

Review: Ignite Me (Shatter Me, #3) by Tahereh Mafi

Ignite Me (Shatter Me, #3)Ignite Me by Tahereh Mafi
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I´m done... I´m done... God!... I´m done...

Note: This is a short full of spoilers review.

I can´t say to much right now, I loved this book, I loved to see how Warner was being accepted by Juliette´s friends, and God, I´m so happy Kenji is not dead! And I love they got the girls back and how Juliette found herself and Adam accepting things, I loved when Kenji laughed of what Warner said, and when he found that Adam and James were his siblings... When Juliette gave her speach and Aaron said he could feel the hope...

I think I loved this books.

My fav moment is this:

"Click, click, click, Click, click, click, Click, click, click..."

—JULIETTE—Juliette—God— are you okay? What happened? Are you all right?"

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Review: Fracture Me (Shatter Me, #2.5) by Tahereh Mafi

Fracture Me (Shatter Me, #2.5)Fracture Me by Tahereh Mafi
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Oh well... Adam head is nothing like Aaron, sorry to compare.

I have said it before, Adam is freaking selfish.

Fav moments:
When I thought James was dead. I was crying and then he was standing there! God!
And at the end when Kenji thanks Juliette is dead... Poor Kenji, I like him a lot, and he was crying! He was crying! He does not show emotion and he was crying!!!

I Love Kenji!!!

“Okay then. Let’s go get our girl back." "My girl," I correct him. "She’s my girl." Kenji snorts as we head in the direction of the compounds. "Right. Minus the part where she’s not actually your girl. Not anymore." "Shut up." "Uh-huh." "Whatever.”

― Tahereh Mafi, Fracture Me

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Review: Unravel Me (Shatter Me, #2) by Tahereh Mafi

Unravel Me (Shatter Me, #2)Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


Shatter me was weird at the beginning, then it got me, now I read Unravel me and I was freaking excited half of the book, come on! I could not leave the book by side since all those revelations came in, I´m so... Gosh! I have no words, I have to read Fracture me but even if I like Adam, I don´t know if I´m up to his selfish drama... sorry but, yes, he is freaking selfish...

I just read a spoiler (yeah, shame on me but I love spoilers) and let me tell you that no wonder Adam did that, I mean, I like him but he... how to say it... he his strong, and faithful and certanly hot, but under all that he has been selfish all the book (as long as I have read) that desire to find Juliette, to be with her is becuse he wants it, it was a selfish desire since the beginning, that Juliette wanted to be with him too was an extra point, so, no, is not an uubelievable thing that he kicker her out of the house...

Well, I have to go to read more, I have to know what happens to Kenji, please, let Kenji be alive and live happily ever after!

Now I am 100% in love with Aaron!! (I've never liked Adam that much)

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Review: Destroy Me (Shatter Me, #1.5) by Tahereh Mafi

Destroy Me (Shatter Me, #1.5)Destroy Me by Tahereh Mafi
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Bueno, bueno, me ha gustado conocer a Warner.

Well, well, I liked knowing Warner.

“And I've fallen.

So hard.

I've hit the ground. Gone right through it. Never in my life have I felt this. Nothing like this. I've felt shame and cowardice, weakness and strength. I've known terror and indifference, self-hate and general disgust. I've seen things that cannot be unseen.

And yet I've known nothing like this terrible, horrible, paralyzing feeling. I feel crippled. Desperate and out of control. And it keeps getting worse. Every day I feel sick. Empty and somehow aching.

Love is a heartless bastard.”

― Tahereh Mafi, Destroy Me

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Review: Shatter Me (Shatter Me, #1) by Tahereh Mafi

Shatter Me (Shatter Me, #1)Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

(For the english review go to the bottom...)

Wow! Jajajaja empece a leer este libro como parte de un club de lectura, de hecho el libro del mes es la tercera parte de esta triologia pero siempre hay que empezar por el principio, ¿cierto?

Que decir, me gusto, comienza muy extraño, conceptos raros y mucha repetición en ciertas oraciones, pero en cierto punto el libro se vuelve muy interesante, estaba leyendo y el tiempo paso tan rápido, si no hubiera estado trabajando, lo habría terminado el mismo día que lo empece.

Los personajes: Juliette, oh pobre Juliette, ha sufrido tanto... Adam, no se que tanto me gusta Adam, parece perfecto así que algún defecto debe de tener, Warner esta... loco? traumado? psicótico? hahahaha me gusta pero me asusta! Kenji me gusta, James me gusta, de ahí en fuera, todos son secundarios.

Me gusto el final del libro. No es un felices para siempre pero es mejor que todo lo que paso por mi cabeza como posible final.

Ahora, a leer lo que sigue.


Wow! Hahahaha I started to read this book as part of a book club, in fact the book of the month is the third part of this trilogy but, always start at the beginning, right?

What to say, I liked it, the beginning is very weird, strange notions and much repetition in certain prayers, but at some point the book becomes very interesting, I was reading and the time passed so quickly, if it had not been working, I would have done the same day I started.

The characters: Juliette, oh poor Juliette, he has suffered so much... Adam, I´m no sure how much I like Adam, he seems perfect so must have some defect, Warner is he... crazy? traumatized? psychotic? hahahaha I like it but he scares me! Kenji I like him, I like James, from there on out, all are secondary.

I liked the end of the book. Not a happily ever after but it's better than anything that happened in my head as a possible end.

Now, to read next book.

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