My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Well yeah. 5 Stars.
First of all, I had to tell you how I felt when I got this book:

Now, the second most important thing is that, while reading this book, I actually felt what Lena could be feeling, and let me tell you that books usually make me laugh, and sigh, and get angry and get happy, but pain is something I don't often feel, I mean, if a character is suffering I feel sorry for them, but to actually feel the pain in my very own chest is unusual. So, let me quote myself here: "Oh... my heart is feeling Lena's ache! I swear, I can feel it right in my chest, because of Jimmy's words, it's like I am the one in love with him and he does not want me, even if he says is not the same situation like Reese... it hurts!!! (What a good book, that makes me feel this things)", you see? I was feeling, my chest was hurting!

Now, why I liked the book? Well, after read the first two books, and fall for Mal, and know all the characters deep enough, I read this book and I feel like I'm part od the Stage Dive crew, because I know them, I did laugh with every crazy thing Mal said, I know what David frowns mean, I know Ben is always there but sleeping or doing something in his own. I falled for Jimmy this time, and it is so hard to decide who I like the most, Mal or Jimmy? Such a hard decision...
And Lena! Oh I loved Lena! From the tree books, she is my fav one!

(I did not made this image, I took it from google, credits to the owner, whoever is)
I dont want to spoil anything, so, read it, buy it, put it it your shelf, and Gosh, I hope you feel everything too.

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