lunes, 15 de diciembre de 2014

Review: Mad Love by Suzanne Selfors

Mad LoveMad Love by Suzanne Selfors
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ok, this book is not what you think, it was not what I thought!
This is not a love story but at the same time is The love story.
Yes, Alice and Cupid are the main characters of this story, but not their love story.

Well, this book had my mind is running with all the possibilities on the first half part of the book; and I love when a book does that to me, a lot. It wakes up my mind, it makes me wonder and build towers in my imagination, this book did that to me, and for that, I loved it.

Me while reading:

I don't want to spoil the book for you, I want you to enjoy it as I did.
BUT, here is my Errol (not Jack Frost, but Errol):

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miércoles, 5 de noviembre de 2014

Review: Queen of Someday (Stolen Empire, #1) by Sherry D. Ficklin

Queen of Someday (Stolen Empire, #1)Queen of Someday by Sherry D. Ficklin
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

The first thing I'm gonna say is this: I'm heading to wiki to read the real story of Catherine!

Ok, I didn't red the synopsis of this book, I just bought it and start reading it (Because I loved other books by Sherry), I thought this was a book of a love story, but is not that.

I liked the book, I liked Sergei from the first time I read about him. I liked Sophie, and I didn't know Peter was a sadistic! (What I got, for not reading the synopsis).

So, ¿what next?, ¿when is the next book coming?

There are some quotes I loved.

"I think that love can indeed be many things. But the one thing it will never be is practical. Love is irrational by its very nature. It demands passion, fire, and no less than absolute surrender. It is a longing, a burning that consumes you, leaving you without reason, or defense. When love comes, nothing can stand in its way." —Alexander

"What if I have nothing left to fight for? I say, my voice shaking.

"Then you fight until you find something to fight for. But the moment you stop fighting the current, the moment you surrender to it, that's when you are truly lost." —Sophie & Sergei

And some pics

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lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2014

Reseña: Rasguños en la Puerta (RELP #1) by Melisa S. Ramonda

Rasguños en la Puerta (RELP #1)Rasguños en la Puerta by Melisa S. Ramonda
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


Ok, Wow, en serio. Wow.

Este libro es todo lo que promete la autora al principio. No es lo que comúnmente se espera de  "hombres lobo", es absolutamente realista dentro de lo fantástico, ¿me explico?.

Es una historia que comienza hablándonos de una tragedia en la vida de la protagonista, y su forma de sobrevivir a dicha tragedia, pero mientras ella se repone de lo que le paso, cosas maravillosas e increíbles suceden. Este libro no es lo que parece, a aun así, es todo lo que debe de ser.

Debo de admitir que en momentos se me hizo larga la lectura, había espacios en lo que me preguntaba cuanto mas faltaba para terminar, pero lo vale, cada segundo leído, cada palabra salida de la cabeza de Johanna tiene un fin y significado.

Mi personaje preferido, el que mas me gusto es Mirko, me pregunto como sera su historia en el futuro... Ah, Richie también me gusto mucho, y Luke.

Mi Nikolai:

Quería hacer un dibujo de como me imagino a Nikolai, pero no he tenido tiempo, así que busque en google, y encontré esto, que es muy parecido a lo que tengo en mi cabeza:

Un Spoiler:

Y unas imágenes que me encontre en la web de la escritora:

Si quieren ver mas imagenes visiten:

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sábado, 1 de noviembre de 2014

Review: Ettie Explores Earth: An Ettie the Explorer Adventure Story by Lynn Holland

Ettie Explores Earth:  An Ettie the Explorer Adventure StoryEttie Explores Earth:  An Ettie the Explorer Adventure Story by Lynn  Holland
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

First of all, I did receive an advance reader copy of this book in exchange for your unbiased review.

I liked this book so much, but my kids loved it! The idea of being freinds with Ettie and "help" him to learn about our Earth was exciting for them. My children are small, 3 and 6, and there are things they have not seen in school yet but it is amazing how they get to their own conclusions, like, ¿Why the sky is blue?, ¿or why the Earth looks blue from space?, is is shocking how they have answered Ettie's questions. My kids are growing up so fast!

Ok, back to the book, the planets, astronauts, the sun, the moon, everything, this book has a little bit of all those things and is easy reading, fun, good draws.

This is how Ettie sees our planet from space ;)

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Review: Jugando Juntos Playing Together (Bilingual ReadersTM)

Jugando Juntos Playing TogetherJugando Juntos Playing Together by Rosa Bustillo
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

First of all, I did receive an advance reader copy of this book in exchange for your unbiased review.

Well, I have two kids, one of them is learning to read, and this book was a good exercise for him. It was easy, fun and he liked the characters. I use to read my kids before going to sleep, well, tis time it was my son whom read a book for me. It was really emmotive to hear him read for me nd his little sister.

I have always tried to teach my kids to love and enjoy to read, this book was a good help for that.

(this is not my son! is an internet pic!)

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martes, 7 de octubre de 2014

Review: Kell, the Alien by Darcy Pattison (Goodreads Author), Rich Davis (Illustrations)

Kell, the AlienKell, the Alien by Darcy Pattison
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

First of all, I received an advance reader copy of this book in exchange for your unbiased review.

Ok, I got this ARC because I have two kids, a boy who is 6 yrs old and a little girl who is only 3. I thought this book was shorter and full of images and it is not! I thought my kids would be bored because of the lack of drawings, but no, I told them what was the book about and they were willing to hear it.

As it is a book too long for just one read we took it as a weekend project and we did read it in parts. It was very funny, and my kids and I enjoyed it a lot, we spend part of the afternoons and part of the night reading this book.

Kell and why his name is Kell, Bree and her kind words, Kelly's parents, the why Kell ended in the Earth, their classmates, the principal, the music teacher, the party, the lists Kell made, it was funny and creative and the most important thing: this book got my kids attention, I always try to make them love reading, and believe me when I tell you, they loved reading this book.

I loved the "Happy Breeday" and every time Bree said "Magnificent"

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viernes, 3 de octubre de 2014

Review Worth the Fall (The McKinney Brothers, #1) by Claudia Connor

Worth the Fall (The McKinney Brothers, #1)Worth the Fall by Claudia Connor
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Ok, let's start. I'll try to not give too much spoilers, but I can't promise it.

I read this book because someone told me it was amazing, and the recommendation picked me, I was intrigued, I was wondering how good this book would be, and let me tell you, it was worth the read! Hahaha

First I have to tell you that I AM a mother, and from that perspective I can tell you 3 things (maybe 4)that hit my head while reading this book:

1. If I have read this book before being a mother, I probably  would have not liked it that much, because, if you're not a mother, you will never get some important things in this book. Before being a mother I liked childs, from a safe distance, I liked to watch them but never touch them. So, if I have not been a mother, I would have find this plot annoying. Good thing I'm a mother.

2. Those kids got me since the 2% read of this book. May be because their cuteness remind me of my very own kids.

3. If I were Abby, my first thought about a men playing with my kids for no reazon, would have been that he was a pedophile, sorry! Hahaha but that is the ugly truth.

4. In some part of the book, I would ask Matt to stop calling and coming, I would never ever put my kids in the situation to love someone I know is not going to be there for them as they need. Someone they fall in love with at first sight and whom can hurt them with the absence.

5. I totally get what Matt did in the last OP, I get it, seriously, honor, promises, duty, the love for what you do for your country, but I am totally selfish too, and I hated him for that. I wanted him to stay, to choose her.
Ok, now the book! Where everything begins...

Since the beginning we know Matt wants something he doesn't even know, he is no more into one night stands, he wants something different. So, when he met Jack, and then he meets Jack's mother, it happens, he sees something different, he feels curious, but he is not in love, not yet.

And then they met, he let's say, forces himself into their lives, into their vacations, and Abby wanted, of course she does! He's a freaking gorgeous, handsome, polite, strong men. And I was enjoying the book, but suddenly I was in tears every time, in pain.

¿Why? Because I loved him, but he calling to see how am I doing is too much, I would told him to leave it, I would tell him, it hurts to hear his voice knowing he's never going to be part of our lives, I would tell him to never ever call me again. Even if it breaks my own heart.

Gosh! Because I read it and it hurts! And I can not imagine what Abby was feeling, more because she always have been left behind... Time to stop reding, I need a break for my feelings...

And then I was loving Matt, and hating Matt, and loving Abby, and hating Abby, and...

And then everything fits on pleace, but no! Matt has to make me hate him!

It was those times when I want to throw my book away! But as it was my kindle, I can't throw it away, so..

At the end I was like "I get it, but I can not trust you anymore."

But Abby loved him more than I hahaha and with that visit she got, it fixed everything for her and we had a happy ending.

SO, I liked this book, it made me feel a lot of things, it moved my feels, and that, my friends, is what I like from books.

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martes, 23 de septiembre de 2014

Reseña de Cántame al oído by Nerea Nieto

Cántame al oídoCántame al oído by Nerea Nieto
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Recibí este ARC a cambio de una reseña honesta.

Le doy 3 estrellas donde 3 estrellas significa que me gusto.

Comencemos con los personajes:
Covi, ella es una chica mimada, caprichosa, egoísta, a la que toda la vida le han dado lo que quiere para así tenerla tranquila y feliz, pero a la que nunca le dieron lo esencial en la vida: el amor. A excepción de su abuela que es la única persona en el mundo que realmente la escucha y la comprende.

Su abuela, un personaje que desde el principio te hace sonreír, y que a lo largo del libro te enseña muchas cosas, Carmen es la abuela que todos quisiéramos tener.

Borja es un personaje que parece superficial pero, creo yo, que realmente se comporto de esa manera porque fue la manera en que Covi hizo que él se comportada, ¿me explico?

Eva, Martha y Lucia, son mujeres (y una niña que no deja de ser mujer y sorprender cada que lees acerca de ella) muy especiales, magnificas como personas, me han gustado mucho.

[image error]

Elías, ¡woha, no se si lo amo o me saca de mis casillas! Es encantador cuando quiere pero trae su propio equipaje a cuestas.

Los padres de Covi, vaya, al principio pensé que estaban preocupados por la abuela pero al pasar el libro me di cuenta de que estaban mas preocupados en como el "problema" de la abuela afectaría en sus vidas mas que por la abuela misma.

(view spoiler)

Me ha gustado la forma en que Covi va madurando durante la historia, en todos sus monólogos interiores va descubriendo cosas, al final sale de su burbuja y se da cuenta de que el mundo no gira a su alrededor. Lo que me gusto de este libro, es que las cosas no pasan de la noche a la mañana, hablando de la enfermedad, de los enamoramientos, de las amistades (ok, la amistad con Eva si fue medio instantánea, pero ellas tenían su pasado), de la madurez, las cosas tomaron su tiempo.

Por ultimo, solo quiero mostrarles como es el pueblo de Carmen en mi mente:

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