My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Shatter me was weird at the beginning, then it got me, now I read Unravel me and I was freaking excited half of the book, come on! I could not leave the book by side since all those revelations came in, I´m so... Gosh! I have no words, I have to read Fracture me but even if I like Adam, I don´t know if I´m up to his selfish drama... sorry but, yes, he is freaking selfish...

I just read a spoiler (yeah, shame on me but I love spoilers) and let me tell you that no wonder Adam did that, I mean, I like him but he... how to say it... he his strong, and faithful and certanly hot, but under all that he has been selfish all the book (as long as I have read) that desire to find Juliette, to be with her is becuse he wants it, it was a selfish desire since the beginning, that Juliette wanted to be with him too was an extra point, so, no, is not an uubelievable thing that he kicker her out of the house...
Well, I have to go to read more, I have to know what happens to Kenji, please, let Kenji be alive and live happily ever after!

Now I am 100% in love with Aaron!! (I've never liked Adam that much)

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