viernes, 8 de agosto de 2014

Review: Silver Shadows (Bloodlines, #5) by Richelle Mead

Silver Shadows (Bloodlines, #5)Silver Shadows by Richelle Mead
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

(this review may content some spoilers...)

I don't know what to say... First I was in pain, because of Sydney and Adrian, I was like "Oh Sydney, can you shut up and follow their game, please, they don't know the tattoo is not effective with you, Don't let them in, don't let them see, Be the good girl you always have to be, Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know, (Ok, now I'm Frozen hahahaha)" sorry I got carried away. And when Adrian was there being sas Nina arrives! and I was like "YOU BI** GET AWAY FROM HIM!!!!"

So, things happened and stuff, and among of all of that I was thinking about Jill and how she was forgotten over there, so, when I got to know the very end of the book I was not surprised, but I wonder if it was the alchemists or the freaking sick of power witch from the other book...

And then we have that Duncan's friend Chantal was a witch too, wasn't she?

And the wedding <3 it was beautiful but I was reading it so fast because I wanted to know what was going to happen that I didn't enjoy it enough, so I will read that part again.

Meanwhile, I'll be here going crazy to read the next book until is released in February

Let's run to february as they did!

View all my reviews

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