jueves, 28 de agosto de 2014

Animales en el circo... / For a circus without animals...

Los felinos son unos animales maravillosos, desde los flojos o traviesos gatos caseros, pasando por los escurridizos gatos monteses, los salvajes de tamaño mediano y hasta los más grandes y majestuosos leones y tigres de bengala… Son animales extraordinarios, bellos, atrayentes… Son letales cuando están en su habitad natural, salvajes, feroces, indomables…

Los seres humanos somos maravillosos también, somos organismos perfectamente diseñados para sobrevivir y nos adaptamos a cualquier condición de vida en este planeta que alguna vez fue salvaje y desconocido, a diferencia de los animales, nosotros los humanos, con el paso de los años hemos conquistado este planeta y lo hemos transformado. Somos la maravilla de la creación, el más alto escalón en la cadena alimenticia y evolutiva por nuestra inteligencia y razonamiento (o al menos, eso creemos. Creemos que tememos conciencia).

Pero también somos egoístas y desconsiderados. Todos lo somos, ¿a caso no queremos siempre lo mejor para nosotros? ¿Para nuestras familias? Somos malditamente egoístas…  No quiero generalizar, pero me es difícil, por que incluso yo que intento ver más allá de mi nariz, siempre intento conseguir lo que quiero…

¿Y a que viene todo esto? ¿Qué tiene que ver el primer párrafo con el segundo y el tercero? Bueno, lo que pasa, es que ayer me invitaron  al circo…

No tenia muchas ganas de ir, pero mis hijos estaban rebosando de emoción y anticipación, era un circo pequeño, ubicado en un terreno de aproximadamente de 5,000 metros cuadrados, que es un espacio relativamente pequeño para un circo.  Tenían algunos animales a la vista,  y no voy a mentir diciendo que estaban golpeados y maltratados, no, se veían bien, peludos y gordos. Había varias carpas, una con suvenires y comida y la principal para el espectáculo.

Tengo que admitir que me gusta el circo, me gusta ver a los acróbatas y a los bailarines, a los payasos e incluso al hombre bala, es emocionante ver como mueven sus cuerpos y vuelan por el escenario, con esas ropas brillantes y llamativas, te hacen reír, te hacen suspirar, te hacen sentir emoción, ellos, los actores del circo, se divierten con su trabajo, lo disfrutan, de eso viven. Pero no estoy segura de cuanto de hacer un espectáculo disfrutan los animales.

Y una vez mas, aquí tengo que admitir que tengo sentimientos encontrados, mi egoísmo sale a flote por un momento y me dice: ¿Dónde mas, aparte de un circo, voy a tener la oportunidad de ver un tigre de bengala así se cerquitas? ¿Podre tomarme una foto con el? ¿Podre tocarlo? Por que créanme, estaba a 5 metros del los tigres. Es por eso que lo vi tan claro. Es por eso que mi corazón egoísta se estrujo y dolió cuando sus ojos se encontraron con los míos…

El ring del circo estaba enjaulado, dentro había varios bancos y cosas así, en la entrada de la enorme jaula estaban las jaulas pequeñas con los tigres adentro, dos tigres por jaula, dos.tigres.por.jaula, captan eso?

Los tigres son animales muy territoriales y solitarios cazadores, que requieren de una gran cantidad de terreno como hábitat para recorrerlo y vivir de acuerdo a sus demandas de alimento y apareamiento: si es un macho, necesita de un espacio de 60-100 km2, y 20km2 si es hembra. Pero aquí estaban dos tigres en una jaula del tamaño de mi baño.

Vale, los dejaron entrar, creo que eran seis en total, no estoy segura por que para ser sincera, desde que ese tigre enorme salió de su pequeña jaula, entro al ring y se fue a sentar justo enfrente de mi, no pude quitarle los ojos de encima, era hermoso, enorme, mucho mas grande que yo, su cabeza era la mas grande de todos los tigres del lugar, así que asumo que era el mas grande y viejo de todos, y con viejo no se si sea viejo, mas bien me refiero a que era el de mayor edad. Escuche su nombre, el “entrenador” lo llamaba Samurái. El tigre hizo todo lo que le pedían con un aburrimiento enorme, con una monotonía, con una pesadez…

Tengo un gato en casa, es una gata, se llama Tótem, y es floja, y es una consentida,  y conozco sus maullidos, conozco sus gestos, conozco sus miradas, la posición de su cuerpo cuando es feliz, se cuando se siente juguetona, cuando quiere que la mime, cuando quiere que la alimente, cuando quiere salir de la casa, cuando quiere entrar otra vez, se cuando esta asustada, cuando tiene miedo… Ayer vi a Samurái, lo vi en serio, y el no disfruta de su “trabajo” en el circo, lo hace por que lo tiene que hacer, lo hace por que esa es la vida que conoce, ¿me pregunto si alguna vez ha sido libre? ¿Habrá nacido en cautiverio? En esa jaula pude ver a seis tigres diferentes, y solo con verlos puedo decir cual es el mas joven, cual es hembra y cual es macho. Todos eran hermosos, todos tenían un pelaje brillante y estaban bien alimentados, no tenían huellas de maltrato. Pero realmente, una buena alimentación y cuidado no es suficiente para ellos.

En un momento el tigre miro a su alrededor y he de aclarar que el circo estaba casi vacio por la hora, mis ojos que no lo habían dejado ni un momento se encontraron con los suyos, era una mirada triste, resignada, y partió mi corazón…

Si alguna vez viera esa mirada en el rostro de Tótem, yo sabría que hacer, sabría como hacerla feliz, pero, ¿Cómo haces feliz a un tigre de 300 kilos?.

Tengo que contarles algo acerca de Tótem, ella era una gatita abandonada y sin hogar, mi hermana Jenny, en contra de los deseos de medio mundo, la recogió y la adopto, la vacuno, la baño y la esterilizo, la llevo a su casa y la cuido, Tótem llevaba una vida feliz con mi hermana, pero en cierto punto (no tengo idea que paso) Jenny ya no pudo tener a Tótem en su departamento y la trajo a casa, se que el tiempo que ella vivió con mi hermana fue feliz, era mimada y consentida, pero vivía encerrada, en el departamento, con su caja de arena, su agua y su comida, dormía en la cama de mi hermana, se subía a todos sus muebles, vivía en su mundo. Cuando Jenny trajo a Tótem a casa, la dejo en su cuarto, pero a diferencia de cuando estaban en el departamento, Jenny nunca estaba en casa. Así que mi mama dejo salir a Tótem del cuarto, le abrió la puerta y le dio libertad, ¿que hizo Tótem? Se escondió debajo de la cama. Sip, le tenia miedo a todo, a todos, no salía ni a jugar con el cachorro que se la pasaba rogándole que jugara con el. Con el paso del tiempo, Tótem comenzó a confiar en nosotros y en salir del cuarto, a pasear por la casa, a jugar con el perro, a jugar con los niños, a maullar cuando quería algo. Después incluso la dejamos salir de la casa (sorry Jenny, pero si, la dejamos salir de la casa). Vivimos en una especie de quinta, es una casa grande rodeada de arboles y arbustos, alejada de las calles y sin vecinos que se quejen por el ruido del perro o por un gato. Así que cuando Tótem salió por primera vez, fue increíble verla descubrir el mundo fuera de la casa. Ya ha pasado algún tiempo de eso, y ella es feliz, entra y sale de la casa a su gusto, ha conquistado el terreno que le era extraño, se ha convertido en la compañera de carreras y juegos del perro y en la gatita de compañía de las mujeres de la casa.

¿Me salí del tema de nuevo? No exactamente, solo me pregunto en como reaccionaria un tigre dejado en libertad después de años de vivir en un circo…

Los tigres no hicieron mas esa noche, fue un corto tiempo en el que saltaron de un lugar a otro y se fueron, después el espectáculo constaba de los artistas haciendo sus actos, y en el medio tiempo aparecieron cuatro mini caballos blancos trotando en la pista. Después el resto de los animales desfilaron por la pista y los sacaron. Fue todo.

Mis hijos estaba encantados, Lila se enamoro de los caballos, ¿y quien no?, no se de nadie que no ame a los caballos. Alek y mi sobrino Emmanuel estaban emocionadísimos por el hombre que salió disparado de un cañón. Para ser sincera, a los niños les gusta ver animales, pero les gusta tanto o mucho mas, ver a los acróbatas volar por los aires. Tengo que recordar llevarlos al Cirque Du Soleil o al Slava's Snowshow, que son circos sin animales y con un espectáculo sano y de calidad, o al menos eso creo.

Conclusión: Posiblemente, yo jamás tenga la oportunidad de ir a ver un tigre o un león en su ambiente natural, pero eso no significa que por causa de mi egoísmo quiera que un felino viva encerrado en una jaula y salga solo los 20 minutos que dura un show para poder verlo de cerca. Quisiera que los circos dejaran de tener animales de ese tipo, hay que respetar la naturaleza, hay que respetar el lugar que se nos dio en este mundo. Y los animales salvajes tienen su lugar en la selva, en la jungla, en la sabana africana, no en una jaula. Me gustan los circos, pero creo que se puede hacer un espectáculo asombroso sin la necesidad de violar los derechos de los animales.

Ahora, los invito a visitar las siguientes paginas, para hacer conciencia acerca de los animales en el circo: 


miércoles, 20 de agosto de 2014

Review: Four: A Divergent Story Collection by Veronica Roth

Four: A Divergent Story Collection (Divergent, #0.1 - 0.4)Four: A Divergent Story Collection by Veronica Roth
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Ok, this is the compilation of the four short stories of Four plus three exclusive scenes.

The Transfer:
I know I should have read Divergent first but I had The transfer in front of me, so I did read it before I read Divergent and, OMG! I was so afraid when Tobias jumped from the cornice! and they had a net!!! (relief sigh!)
He felt so weak... but now he is Four.

“You're the one who has to live with your choice, everyone else will get over it, move on, no matter what you decide. But you never will”

The Initiate:
This is a story about how Tobias becomes Four, how he becomes a dauntless.
How he meet his own strength, his power, his new place in life. i like him.

"Here, I've learned to defend myself, I've learned to be stronger, but one thing I haven't learned, won't let myself learn, is how to enjoy causing someone else pain. If I'm going to become Dauntless, I'm going to do it on my terms, even if that means that a part of me will always be a Stiff."

The Son:
As I read this stories I feel like is the "Divergrnt book" of Tobias.
It's good to know him more and more.

I loved the P.S. in the note he delivered at the end.

"All I have, I realize, are the small moments of rebellion I'm able to manage, just like when I was in Abnegation, collecting objects I found on the street. The tattoo that Tori is drawing on my back, the one that might declare me to be Divergent, is one of those moments. I'll have to keep looking for more of them, more brief moments of freedom in a world that refuses to allow it."

The Traitor:
Oh I liked this one!
This is Tris + Tobias, everything I wanted to know from Divergent in Tobias POV

“Panic and terror aren't the only kinds of fear. There are deeper kinds, more terrible kinds. Apprehension and heavy, heavy dread.”

And then comes "First Jumper—Tris!", "Careful, Tris" and "You look good, Tris" and I loved them!

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martes, 19 de agosto de 2014

Review: Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover

Ugly LoveUgly Love by Colleen Hoover
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Oh my... I try to not give spoilers...

When I found out the name of this book I didn't like it, I thought "why ugly love?" Sorry but I have never experienced an ugly love, so for me it had no sense, but as I love Colleen's work, I did buy it (I got my VIR bag and is not here yet by the way hahaha a friend of mine lent me her book, but I expect my bag this week <3 and can't wait to have it in my hands!)

So, I did read the book today and Oh my feels! I now totally get the title! This book, I don't know what it makes me feel, in a moment I say I don't like Tate and in another moment I love her, and Miles, I love him and I hate him for being so close! And then the story and all!

And them when everything gets sense, and when Miley goes and meet Claire... I was crying in my office! When he said "that's his sister" my tears went down without notice!

A very good book. Love it.

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lunes, 18 de agosto de 2014

Review: War (True Reign, #3) by Jennifer Anne Davis

War (True Reign, #3)War by Jennifer Anne Davis
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Ok, I liked this book, I have to admit that the part from the harbor to Hamen's place was kind of boring, but what happens next had me freaking out, I thought the book was ending and then I saw the avance and it was only 50%. Then the way back and all the thing with the army and freaking Lennek...

God, I don't want to give spoilers. I just say this series had me trapped for 3 days, the time it took me to read them all. Now I heard that there is a spin off coming soon?

Hahahaha I just want my very own Prince Commander Darmik <3

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Review: ЯED (True Reign, #2) by Jennifer Anne Davis

ЯED (True Reign, #2)ЯED by Jennifer Anne Davis
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


This is it, the begining of the end.

I liked the book, and I want to badly to know how this series ends.

I won't say anything about the book, you better read it.

Ok, someones death broke my heart...

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Review: The Key (True Reign, #1) by Jennifer Anne Davis

The Key (True Reign, #1)The Key by Jennifer Anne Davis
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Oh my Gosh! Why?! Why?!

Why it ends like that?!

I need right now the next book!

It's a story that gets you, from the prologue until the very end, and the adrenaline shot at the end, oh my! i cant wait to read the next book!

Why you do this to me Jennifer Anne?

Ok, the characters, they are very well defined, I loved the ones I should love and hated the ones I should hate (Oh Lennek, how I hate you! hahaha)

(ok, this is Rema, just picture her blond ok?)

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sábado, 16 de agosto de 2014

Review: Dark Wine (The Two Vampires, #1) by M.D. Bowden

Dark Wine (The Two Vampires, #1)Dark Wine by M.D. Bowden
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

So sorry! But I received an advance reader copy of this book in exchange of an honest review and if I say I liked the book it would not be honest at all.

When I did read the sinopsis it caught me, I thought I would love this book, but as soon as I started reading I realized it was a mistake. I don't like the writing style, the characters are not... let's say, mature enough for their age, I mean... (view spoiler)

Sorry, I don't like to give bad reviews, that's why I chose to read ARCs of books I think I may like.

But I loved the cover! that's something isn't it?

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jueves, 14 de agosto de 2014

Review: Blue Violet (Svatura, #1) by Abigail Owen

Blue Violet (Svatura, #1)Blue Violet by Abigail Owen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Freaking awsome!

Ok, let me be serious, first of all, I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. I like a very singular kind of books, but sometimes I feel like read something new, so I took this one and let me tell you something:

Letting aside some repetitive stuff, I loved this book, from the beginning of the book it trapped me, all the secrets and all the magic, and then the things started to have sense and I was like:

I liked all girls, I like Ellie even if she is all mighty hahaha, I loved Griffin and Alex and Nate and Ramsay! And the parents and everything. The plot and story si full of magic and feelings. I have to say this is a very, very good book.

And the the end arrived and the thing with Griffin and Selene and that is the end.

I need to know what happens with Grifiin!

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martes, 12 de agosto de 2014

Review: Only the Good Die Young by Douglas Trueman

Only the Good Die YoungOnly the Good Die Young by Douglas Trueman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

First of all, I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review, well, here is my honest opinion: It's different, it's refreshing, it's tough.

I'm in shock, in a good way. This book is narrated from Rebecca POV, and at the beginning I felt very identified with her with a lot of things (music, living in a bubble, overprotective mother, bitterness, I know a bit of classic music (a little bit) but I do not know anything of real rock! (So, what music do you listen July? Well, that's a theme for an other time). So the thing is that I learned some things I didn't know thanks to Kyle.

The story, as the story goes, it caught me, I had an argument in my head while reading about all the things Rebecca wanted and all the things she heard about life and boys, stereotypes and stuff. As her, I knew Kyle was the big prize in a not good looking envelope, and J.J. there giving mixed signals. And then comes what happened with Bill and her mother, every little secret she was keeping for herself, the bitterness inside her had a cause, here is when I did not feel identified with her, if something bother me I spill it out as soon as I have the opportunity! But I get her, I know why she did those things.

And then things got even more complicated, what happened after the trip and Stacy I was like

And then what J.J. say about what the word shows you every day is the same thing Kyle says about the music industry now days, and it is true, and it makes me thing where are we going as society?

What I want to say is that this book has a lot of very important concepts and things, all inside a novel but it is real. This is a book different from other books I have read and I liked it.

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sábado, 9 de agosto de 2014

Review: Paint Town Tales: The Draw by Amy Arton

Paint Town Tales: The DrawPaint Town Tales: The Draw by Amy Arton
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Ok, first of all, I got this book for free in exchange for an honest review.
Now, I have two little kids, 3 and 6 years old and yesterday night I read them two books, this is one of them.

When my son Alek (6 yrs old) saw the first image said “I will like this book because it is about colors” but then when I started reading he said “No, mama! It has a lot of letters and no draws!” but he keep listening, then when I got to the part where Mr. Green goes on strike he was intrigued “Mom, mom, why green color is angry” so, from that part, he and his little sister were paying a lot of attention, as the book was going, my kids where saying about the mix colors and how to get green, orange and purple, the oldest knew that and when I read that part he explained his little sister about the color mix. It was very delightful to see him “teaching” her those things, and at the end, when I asked them which draw would win the contest to reign the town, Lila (3 yrs old) said “The family will win!”

For me, sorry to say it, the draws were simple, but it happens that my kids liked them a lot, they could identify every draw, so, it doesn't matter my opinion because they liked them and I love to teach them to love books and to read, this book was very helpful in that matter.


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Review: Trapeze Girl by Matt Sheridan

Trapeze GirlTrapeze Girl by Matt Sheridan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ok, first of all, I got this book for free in exchange for an honest review. Now, I have two little kids, 3 and 6 years old and yesterday night I read them two books, this is one of them. When I did read them the book they were excited by it, they were happy to read about a family living in a circus and every time I said things like "tent, trapeze, costumes" my children were "explaining me" what those thing are, they where very into the book. As a mother, I can tell you that not all the books get to catch my two kids attention, and this one got all of it. They liked the draws and the story and they want to be friends with Rosie.

Plus, they learned to be firm in what they want, if practiced over and over again, no matter how many they times fall, someday they will succeeded. Of course, not in these words, but that is the message they got.

By the way, I love to teach them to love books and to read, this book was very helpful in that matter. Thankyou.

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viernes, 8 de agosto de 2014

Review: Silver Shadows (Bloodlines, #5) by Richelle Mead

Silver Shadows (Bloodlines, #5)Silver Shadows by Richelle Mead
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

(this review may content some spoilers...)

I don't know what to say... First I was in pain, because of Sydney and Adrian, I was like "Oh Sydney, can you shut up and follow their game, please, they don't know the tattoo is not effective with you, Don't let them in, don't let them see, Be the good girl you always have to be, Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know, (Ok, now I'm Frozen hahahaha)" sorry I got carried away. And when Adrian was there being sas Nina arrives! and I was like "YOU BI** GET AWAY FROM HIM!!!!"

So, things happened and stuff, and among of all of that I was thinking about Jill and how she was forgotten over there, so, when I got to know the very end of the book I was not surprised, but I wonder if it was the alchemists or the freaking sick of power witch from the other book...

And then we have that Duncan's friend Chantal was a witch too, wasn't she?

And the wedding <3 it was beautiful but I was reading it so fast because I wanted to know what was going to happen that I didn't enjoy it enough, so I will read that part again.

Meanwhile, I'll be here going crazy to read the next book until is released in February

Let's run to february as they did!

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miércoles, 6 de agosto de 2014

Review: The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

The Night CircusThe Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I like this one. It's a story told in different times and POV, and at the end all collides and you understand the whole situation, it is a story to read it twice and capture everything and knowing what they mean when they talk about things they do not tell (which, what? Hahaha if you read the book, you'll understand me) but yes, a very good book, I could not put it down, I had to know what was going to happen, I  highly recommend it and if someone reads it we can exchange views ;)

This book has so many graphic descriptions and so many smells and colors, this is a book that deserves to be read correctly.

(This image, I love it, and the credit is for... I don't know, but I found it here: http://eizurin.deviantart.com/art/The-Night-Circus-Widget-and-Poppet-272160504)

Me gusto, es una historia que se cuanta en diferentes tiempos y que al final la entiendes, es como para leerlo dos veces y captar todo ya sabiendo a lo que se refieren cuando hablan de cosas que no dicen (que, que? jajaja si lo leen me entenderán) pero en si, muy buen libro, no podía soltarlo, tenia que saber que iba a pasar, se los recomiendo y si alguien lo lee para intercambiar opiniones ;)

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